Colours 2025 Wargaming Show - Sept 14th
It has been a busy summer and after the fun we had at IPMS Avon in August, we're booked in for Colours 2024 in Newbury.
Bone Chilling Beastly Bugs
We have been printing quite a few creatures for our latest DnD campaign - as we are currently either tramping through the forest or floundering in the swamps we've needed…
Miniature painting services
We love finding new things to print but we've got so busy recently we've had a bit of a backlog of great new terrain and models we just haven't got… Con - May 2024
Last year we had a load of fun at the Hereford Board Games Con.
Everything is about time
Let's be honest, tabletop gaming is not one of the cheapest of hobbies and with rising manufacturing costs, some of the larger players are having to pass costs onto their…
15mm Tabletop Terrain
We have been working through our terrain files and creating alternative 15mm tabletop terrain options.
Subbuteo Mascot
We got a message last year from a customer of one of our retailers, Gloster Models - he was after a custom 3D printed miniature to complete a Subbuteo project…
So we have been a bit quiet on putting u p new products, because we have been working on painting a couple pf prize boxes we are donating to the Hereford…
Skeleton Warriors for Tabletop Gaming
We've been having a bit of a focus on hell and undead miniatures recently - got some great new big demons coming soon.
Denizens of Hell - Miniatures for Fantasy gaming
We have been working a lot with Ill Gotten Games recently as we love their models, particularly the Kingdoms of Hell series.